Monday, March 23, 2009

Falling Asleep?

There is nothing like a good night's sleep is there? One of my favourite sleeps is a 10 minute nap when I'm exhausted.

I perfected the 10 minute nap long ago when I worked shift work while I was studying in Seminary. Of course, I wouldn't want to impose on anyone while doing it unlike some people?

Anyway, we are looking at 1 and 2 Thessalonians this Thursday and in these letters Paul is asked what happens to people who have fallen asleep?

We quickly learn from the context of the letters that this reference to falling asleep is not what we think. In fact, this falling asleep is an actual reference to people in the new Thessalonian Christian community who passed away. What is interesting is that both Paul and the Thessalonians use this image of "sleeping" to describe those who have died. We'll talk about this in class and see why they use this unusual reference.

The story of Paul arriving at Thessalonica to share the good news of Christ there is a fascinating story which is worth reading in Acts 16 and 17. Responding to a vision of a man in Macedonia calling them to bring the good news to them, Paul, Silas and Timothy travel to these unknown parts to share the gospel. Upon their arrival to Thessalonica he met some fierce resistance from Jews and Gentiles alike that force him to stay only three weeks and then to flee the city for fear of his life.

You can just imagine Paul's disappointment to have to leave them so quickly without saying goodbye or finishing up what he was teaching them. Paul worries about this new group of believers and sends Timothy back some time later to find out how they are doing. Timothy comes back and tells Paul and Silas that the believers are doing well and brings with him some questions from the Thessalonian believers that Paul answers in these two letters.

One of the questions is - what happens to those who are falling asleep among us? It is here that we find some important information from Paul on his view of what happens to believers who pass away and how they fit into God's plan to recover the earth, humanity and drive out evil in the world. This should make for exciting and challenging discussion as we delve into these two important letters.

Digging Deeper

There is nothing more diverse and controversial as the varying views of what the end times will look like. For a taste of the varying differences, here is a church website with a statement on their view of the end times: New Life Community Church and another website presenting the four views on the end times with a clear leaning on one particular view: Four Views of the End Times and a link to a comprehensive look at the various views believed today: Various Views of the End Times. Before you get completely confused and depressed about what we should believe, here is a 3 minute reminder from Bishop N.T. Wright to be careful to keep what will happen in the end times in perspective: N.T Wright on Relieving Anxiety concerning End Times.

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